
Selasa, 31 Desember 2013

Contoh Text narative Terbaik !!

   Ada yang suka cerita? Sebuah cerita
identik dengan narrative text . Dalam
      contoh bahasa Inggris berikut
semuanya narrative berjenis cerita
(story). Beberapa diantaranya telah
dilengkapi dengan generic structure.
   Kumpulan contoh narrative text
pendek (collection of 16 short
narrative texts) ini merujuk pada
bebrapa jenis text narrative . As we all
know that a narrative text can be a
legend, myth, fable, folk, fairytale,
Mostly when we talk about a
narrative text, we talk about a story.
The story is considered as a narrative
text because it is organized used the
narrative's three main elements of
generic structure. They are
and RESOLUTION. If you want to
know what this generic structure is,
read what is narrative text in my
previous post. Sebelum melihat ke 16
contoh narrative dibawah, mari kita
lihat cerita rakyat berikut!
     Story of Aji Saka and Dewata.   Cengkar
    Many, many years ago, the kingdom of
Medangkamulan was ruled by a king
named Dewata-chengkar. This king had
a strange and frightening habit. He
liked to eat human beings.
One day, a young traveler arrived in
the kingdom.He was called Ajisaka.
Ajisaka took shelter in the house of a
widow who quickly came to look upon
the young man as her own son. When he
heard of the king's strange appetite,
Ajisaka sympathized with the villagers'
plight and immediately volunteered to
become the king's next meal.
Ajisaka went directly to the king's
palace.“I am willing to be your next
meal. Your Highnees. However, I have a
request.“ said Aji Saka to the king.
“Whatever you please, young man, I
will grant your request,“ the king
replied. “Before you eat me, grant me
some land. Just enough length of my
own headcloth.“ continued Aji Saka.
“Come, Young Man. Let's measure your
headcloth so that I can have my meal
and you can have your land“ agreed
the king.
Ajisaka began to unwrap the cloth
tied around his head. The king got
down from his throne and hold one
end of the headcloth. He stepped
backward. What he didn't know was
that this headcloth was much longer.
The king kept going backward, step by
step, as the cloth kept unraveling. He
stepped backward through the palace
square, backward across the village,
holding the end of Ajisaka's
headcloth. The king kept stepping
backward until reached the sea
cliftts of the sea.
A great crowd of people had gathered.
They held their breath as their king
took his final step backward over the
cliff's edge and plunged into the
waves crashing againts the rocks at
the foot of the sea wall.
Simplified from: Achmad Doddy, Developing
English Competencies 3, Jakarta : Pusat
Perbukuan, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional,

Senin, 30 Desember 2013

[Text Narrative] [Fable] "THE MONKEY AND THE CROCODILE"

  One day, a monkey wanted to cross a river. He saw a crocodile in the river, so he asked the crocodile to help him. The crocodile told the monkey to jump onto its back. Then, the crocodile swam down the river.
   Now, the crocodile was very hungry. When the crocodile was in the middle of the river, it stopped and said to the monkey, "monkey, my father is very sick. He must eat the heart of a monkey, then he will be strong again."
     The monkey thought for a while. Then, he told the crocodile to swim back to the river bank.
       "What for ?" Asked the crocodile
       "Because i didn't bring my heart with me," said the monkey, " i left it under the tree near some coconuts".
         So the crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river. As soon as they reached the river bank, the monkey off the crocodile's back and climbed up to the top of a tree.
           "Where is your heart ?" Asked the crocodile.
"You are foolish," the monkey said to the crocodile, "now, i am free and you have nothing."

(Descriptive text) "SEAHORSE" \ "KUDA LAUT"

  Just like a fish, a seahorse has a skeleteon, gills and fins. Unlike other fish, homever, it does not have scales. Its body is covered with bony plates of 'armor'. This heavy 'armor' makes it hard for the seahorse to swim.
   A seahorse spends much of its time resting among the sea plants. It uses its prehensile tail to anchor itself to the plants. When microscopic sea animals swim by, the seahorse quickly sucks them up with its long snout.
    Seahorse are clever at camouflaging themselves. They come in many colors. They can be brown, red, yellow, black, grey, or white. They can also change their colors in the blink of an eye. This makes it hard for the enemies likes birds and crabs to see them.
     The most unusual thing about seahorse though, is that male seahorse give birth ! The male seahorse has a pouch below his belly. The femali places 150 to 200 eggs in this pouch. The male will then fertilize the eggs. He keeps them safe until they become fully-formed baby seahorse. Baby seahorse must look after themselves as soon as they are born.
       In many parts of the world, seahorse face danger. Pollution destroys their homes. People in some asian countries capture seahorse to make medicines. In north America, many people like to cacth seahorse and keep them in aquariums as pets. Nowdays, there are seahorse 'farms' which provide lots of seahorse for those who want to keep the seahorses as their pets.